Elkano's BuffBar 1.2a
zell | 26 七月, 2006 13:46
version 1.2 - 2006/07/06
- fixed some more bugs with CompostLib
- added a bunch of new slash command settings
- made frame clamp to screen
- rewrote positioning code
WoW Model Viewer
zell | 26 七月, 2006 11:40
This is an updated version of WoW Model Viewer.
WoW Model Viewer is a 3D model viewer for World of Warcraft®. It uses the data files included with the game to display the models from the game: creatures, characters, spell effects, doodads, items, etc. You can dress up and customise the character models or just view NPC models.
zell | 25 七月, 2006 16:41
第一篇 日吉丸时代
位於冈崎平原的三河国(爱知县),有一条水势湍急的矢吲川。 天文十九年(西元一五五○年)夏,深夜,这条川的大桥上,正有一群野武土(在乡野的无主武土),在铠甲铿锵声中步伐整齐地行走着。 裸露的枪尖在明亮的月光下,闪烁着令人不安的光芒,,脚步声也隐含杀气,像是刚从激战中退出,飘散着血腥气味。 领头的野武土走到桥中间时,看见一个人盖着草席,四肢伸得长长的躺在桥的正中央,大喝了一声:“叫化子,闪开!”然後,“飒”的一声,枪柄撞去
zell | 12 五月, 2006 01:49