Warriors Arena

 人生五十年   轮转变化中   短促如梦幻   天地之万物   无有不死灭

分类: wow ui

官方简繁体ChatMOD 1.04

官方简繁体 ChatMOD 1.04[原solColorChatNicks] 漂亮的聊天框增强插件 大约是集PartySpotter、JoChatTimestamp、URLCopy、ChatScroll于一体的不错插件 好吧,千呼万唤的SCCN急云版终于出来了.部分汉化参考了墨鱼版本.   (查看全文)

Moog_hug 1.11

Description Based on the old Nurfed HUD, the intention for this UI mod is to replace as many of the traditional panels with a single clean central display. With many classes the need for many extra buttons and mod displays means that the original panels can end up taking up needed UI real estate,...


VERSION 2.0 Upgrade : ------------ - Remove the whole /Interface/AddOns/GuildEventManager folder - Unzip the new v2.0 RC archive in /Interface/AddOns/ - After loading the game, change the GEMChannelDefault to something DIFFERENT from the one you usualy use (protocol is different for this...

ItemRack 1.96 TitanItemRack 1.1

原版地址: http://www.curse-gaming.com/mod.php?addid=2045 非常直观方便好用的换装插件。作者在1.9更新了很多代码,推荐正在用的也更新一下。此插件我用过觉得占用资源不多,而且操作比其它插件都直观。   (查看全文)


DAB DUF 官方网站 很多custom layouts哦   (查看全文)

CT_RaidAssist 1.539(团队助手 7月25日)

7月25日 迎接1.12魔兽,团队助手全新版本,全新团队隐藏频道暴雪新设定(不能和旧版兼容) 首领模块1.451,修正格罗布鲁斯报警修正。  (查看全文)


6.7.25 * Handled the error when upgrading Bagnon_Forever from 6.7.18 or earlier a bit more gracefully 修正Bagnon_Forever从6.7.18或更早版本版本升级到新版时产生的错误 * Added another nil check to Bagnon_Forever   (查看全文)

Elkano's BuffBar 1.2a

version 1.2 - 2006/07/06 - fixed some more bugs with CompostLib - added a bunch of new slash command settings - made frame clamp to screen - rewrote positioning code  (查看全文)
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